Tuesday, June 5, 2012

LolliLove (Jenna Fischer, 2004)

I love Troma and I love mockumentaries so I should have known all about this little flick right after it was made. But I’m ashamed to admit I had no idea it existed until I’ve read hilarious “Direct Your Own Damn Movie!” (BUY TROMA!

Was  even more intrigued because it was apparently such a bad experience for director Jenna Fisher that she decided it was the last film she’s ever going to direct. Which is damn fuckin’ shame because this is great stuff! And make no mistake - I don’t mean good in “bad Troma” way. 

We follow this wealthy, stupid, bored, shallow, pretentious (you can add anything else here) Californian couple of ass-holes. They decide to make a difference in the world by giving homeless people lollipops decorated by guy’s paintings. Idea is pretty cool and original but execution and tone of the movie is what I really liked. It’s funny but at the same time a bit dark and politically incorrect with really good performances from both protagonists. Only later I discovered on IMDB that they are both professional actors and Jenna Fisher is actually pretty well-known on TV.

It has few minor mistakes and glitches for my taste. Sometimes it forgets that it’s supposed to be documentary because protagonists start to act their roles. I would also prefer that storyline would concentrate more on the charity thing than on the couple itself. And it surprisingly lacks some real one-line “killing” joke (remember 11 in Spinal Tap?). This one is pretty cool though: “Spielberg wouldn't have won an Oscar without the Holocaust.

It would be also cool to have some of those big “cool” H’Wood celebrities (Sean Penn, Johnny Depp) appear in the movie (remember Sam Neill in Forgotten Silver?). But hell, this is Troma and we get to see the greatest celebrity of them all, our favourite uncle Lloyd Kaufman (as a priest !!!).

Great low budget stuff, hope that Mrs. Fisher reconsiders her decision about directing!


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