Monday, July 16, 2012

Driven to Kill (Jeff King, 2009)

I have at least 20 DVDs of Seagal movies and they all have subtitles. Rest of his opus I downloaded and those too usually come with optional subtitles. This one doesn't have subs and for the first time I realized how important they are in the Seagal movie.

The thing (or should I say the problem) is that he is so tough and mean motherfucker that he doesn't need to raise his voice. So for the most times he just inaudibly whispers and since he imitates Russian accent it's really hard to follow the story.

Which is complicated and sometimes disjointed as in the best times of his direct-to-video career. In this one he plays ex-Russian mobster now successful crime novels writer who lives in exile in California (at least I think so). But when his daughter gets married he returns to his old 'hood in New Jersey (at least I think so) for her wedding. Which is not appreciated by his old rivals who kill his ex-wife and kidnap the bride. He gets his sidekick in her fiancee and from then on everything is pretty much standard stuff.

Look and feel of the movie reassembles a bit too much to those bleak east European ones, but action is decent. It's not shot or edited spectacular, but there's a lot of it and it comes in all kinds of forms, from martial arts to knife fights to shootouts. Which is good to see after that disappointment of Against the Dark.

The best scene is when our two buddies come to the ghetto to get the bad guys. But when they arrive, Seagal starts, apparently without any good reason, shooting in the air with his big ass shotgun. When you start wondering WFT he quickly offers explanations that "this way rats will come out themselves". Or some shit like that. He is just too cool and too busy to do any routinely investigation stuff. Classis Seagal, almost!


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