Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Inferno Carnal aka Hellish Flesh (José Mojica Marins, 1977)

Surprisingly normal, almost classical horror in the tradition of Italian giaillos. Maybe it was kind of Orson Welles thing that he needed to do in order to get money for his more ‘personal’ craziness.  Sure, Mojica’s master touch is there (together with his ‘signature’ acid face mutilation with) but it’s really not that strong.

He’s a genius (not crazy at all!) scientist who gets betrayed by his wife and his best friend who have an affair. Their attempt to kill him fails but leaves him with a disfigured face. This all happens pretty quickly, some 15 minutes or so into the movie and I was naturally disappointed to see our favorite sicko go so soon. His wife stays with that asshole friend who mostly just fucks around and spends her money. Or should I say Mojica’s money because for some reason he keeps giving it to her. But do not be afraid, he of course has a sinister plan and it turns out he’s not completely out of the picture…

Not bad at all, but I want Mojica’s movies to be much more bizarre!

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